Aidoc has announced the launch of its new AI-powered patient management technology that improves clinic volumes and promotes patient care.

The technology is designed to enhance the identification and monitoring of patients needing follow-up for incidental or chronic conditions.

Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, US, has deployed the company’s aortic aneurysms (AA) patient management solution to improve its aortic aneurysm management programme.

The results were significant and showed that the follow-up clinic volume nearly doubled and the time to intervention dramatically dropped to 58 days from 270.

Additionally, the number of interventions increased by 14%, and the rate of aneurysm rupture decreased by 62% to 0.5% from 1.3%.

Yale School of Medicine vascular surgery assistant professor Edouard Aboian said: “Aidoc’s comprehensive patient management platform has transformed our approach to patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA).

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“The integration of AI technology into our workflow has increased the number of AAA patients, improved long-term follow-up and greatly reduced the time to appointment and intervention.

“This technology has truly bridged the gap between radiologic findings and patient care, allowing us to provide timely and effective treatments.”

The aiOS platform by Aidoc is designed to integrate with electronic health records and employs text-based AI to provide a comprehensive patient health overview.

The patient management solution not only bridges the gap between radiologic findings and patient follow-up but also ensures patients are directed to the appropriate specialty clinics.

Aidoc CEO Elad Walach said: “Aidoc’s AI technology is a transformative force in patient management.

“Our platform, with its diverse integrated solutions, doesn’t just enhance diagnostic precision – it revolutionises the entire follow-up process, ensuring no patient falls through the cracks.”