According to GlobalData’s medical device pipeline database, 103 External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices devices are in various stages of development globally. GlobalData’s report External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices provides an overview of the segment’s pipeline landscape and offers detailed analysis of its products. Buy the report here.

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Of these devices, 63 are in active development, while the remaining 44 are in an inactive stage of development. There are 26 products in the early stages of development, and the remaining 37 are in the late stages of development.

External remote patient monitoring devices retrieves the data from the external measurement device (like glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, weight scales, ECG) and transmit it, through a wireless system to a monitoring station or a physician’s office for further analysis and interpretation. This segment includes the external module or transmitter which receives the data from the external measurement devices. One external remote patient monitoring device consists of one external module or transmitter.

Innovations in the medical devices sector are linked to the development of new approaches, processes, or technologies for treating, diagnosing, and managing disease in response to demand from healthcare for better patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Based on an analysis of GlobalData’s Medical Intelligence Center pipeline product database, these actively developed External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices pipeline devices are all expected to be approved within the next ten years.

Currently, private organizations, public entities and institutions are working on the development of External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices devices. Overall, most of these External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices pipeline devices are being developed by private entities.

Key players involved in the active development of External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices include CardiacSense, ALR Technologies, Eccrine Systems, PulseNmore, InfoBionic.Ai, Barron Associates, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Vitls, Vivonics and Waldo Health.

For a complete picture of the developmental pipeline for External Remote Patient Monitoring Devices devices, buy the report here.

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GlobalData, the leading provider of industry intelligence, provided the underlying data, research, and analysis used to produce this article. 

The medical devices pipeline data used in this article were obtained from the Medical Pipeline Products Database of GlobalData’s Medical Intelligence Center. The Pipeline Products database is a is a comprehensive source of information on medical devices, it covers 39K products which are in development stage and intended for diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases/conditions/symptoms directly or indirectly. The pipeline products included in the database are sourced from reliable and authenticated sources, such as company websites, SEC filings, conference presentations, analyst presentations, news releases, clinical trial registries, and grants. The information is collected by following systematic research techniques and proprietary methodology.