Endoscopy Devices are medical devices used to examine internal organs for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. A Capsule Endoscope consists of a video capsule, which takes images of the digestive tract every second for eight hours, which is used to diagnose intestinal tract diseases, as an alternate to more intrusive conventional endoscopy. GlobalData uses proprietary data and analytics to provide a comprehensive report on the capsule endoscopes devices market, including market shares of different players within India. Buy the latest report here.
In 2023, GlobalData’s Market Model methodology determined that the leading player in the capsule endoscopes market in India was Medtronic and Olympus.
A Capsule Endoscope is comprised of four Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), a color camera chip, a lens, a radio frequency transmitter, two batteries, and an antenna. The capsule is enclosed in a biocompatible material to prevent it’s reaction with the digestive fluids. The Capsule Endoscope is a single-use device which moves into the gastrointestinal tract by peristalsis and is excreted naturally.
The value of the capsule endoscopes devices market within India was expected to be over $1m in 2023.
For the latest complete market share analysis of capsule endoscopes device market in India, buy the report here.
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