Dilon Technologies has selected AcuityMD’s platform to help rapidly deliver its medical devices to the right doctors and medical facilities for the better treatment of patients.
Under the multi-year contract, Dilon has deployed AcuityMD’s platform to quickly identify and engage physicians providing treatment to surgical breast cancer patients. The accelerated deployment of Dilon’s devices is expected to help avoid re-excision surgeries.
AcuityMD’s platform has already proved to be instrumental in researching more than 1,700 new surgeons and their clinical practices to identify patients in urgent need of Dilon’s MarginProbe technology for in-surgery, real-time breast cancer margin assessment.
AcuityMD CEO and co-founder Mike Monovoukas said: “We are honoured to partner with Dilon Technologies to help advance the use of MarginProbe to help prevent re-excisions after lumpectomy surgery.
“MedTech companies spend as much as 40% of revenues on sales efforts. AcuityMD force-multiplies this investment through our industry-specific data platform and intuitive workflows.”
The MarginProbe technology enabled up to an 80% reduction in re-excision rates.
MarginProbe is claimed to be the only real-time margin assessment device specifically approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for breast surgery.
It helps prevent additional surgery by facilitating binary lumpectomy margin evaluation in the operating room.
Dilon Technologies CEO George Makhoul said: “AcuityMD’s platform is a powerful targeting solution that allows us to deliver targeted solutions to physicians in order to improve their outcomes.
“It streamlines what would otherwise be a laborious process of identifying and determining how to prioritise the right surgeons with the relevant patients, with a goal of ultimately improving and potentially saving lives.”