Enzyre has entered into a research collaboration with the Takeda Pharmaceutical Company to develop a device for haemophilia patients to quickly determine their coagulation status at home.

The partnership will work towards allowing haemophiliacs to determine their coagulation status through Enzyre’s Enzypad technology, before transferring their test results instantly to their clinician through a mobile app. Enzyre will receive funding from Takeda to further tailor Enzypad for this purpose.

Patients with haemophilia lack the blood-clotting proteins needed to stop bleeding after an injury. This means that they bleed for longer after injuries or during surgery, bruise easily and are at a higher risk of brain bleeds.

The condition is highly complex to manage, but many patients are left to do so through home therapy and only see their core haemophilia management team yearly. Enzyre and Takeda hope that their collaboration will help patients monitor their condition effectively at home while staying connected to their care team.

Enzypad requires just 100µL of blood, but is able to measure 12 reactions simultaneously with high sensitivity and specificity outside a laboratory setting. Using a simple blood sampling device, patients test their samples with a single use microfluidic cartridge which contains all the necessary reagents and controls to assess coagulation.

The cartridge uses proprietary innovative latent luciferin-protected peptide substrates to determine the activity of specific enzymes in the coagulation cascade. The enzymatic activity is directly proportional to the number of photons generated in the reaction chamber, which the device counts using optical sensors.

This information is scanned by a small, reusable processor that enables the reagent flow, processes the test results and transfers them to the cloud for the physician to view.

Enzyre CEO Dirk Pollet said: “Diabetics have long been able to individually manage their disease through home glucose measurement, and we are determined to make this the case for those living with haemophilia.

“With our proprietary technology, we aim to provide haemophilia patients and their care-givers with peace of mind by allowing them to monitor coagulation status at home. Ultimately we’d like to empower these patients to live a normal life.”