Medical device company Exactech has unveiled plans to fast-track the expansion of its Newton Knee technique in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.

The company made the announcement following the 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association held in Yokohama last week.

At the event, the company presented the results of research highlighting the capability of Newton compared to conventional techniques in acquiring joint laxities in the knee.

Dr Hiroshi Watanabe from Nippon Medical School Musashikosugi Hospital in Kanagawa Prefecture was one of the first surgeons to use the Newton Knee system.

Watanabe stated: “Total knee arthroplasty with navigation technology requires an optimal balancing technique to ensure suitable knee laxity and motion.

“Exactech’s Newton technology and its tibia-first technique is the most promising solution to help solve those issues and evaluate the knee laxity more precisely.”

The Newton Knee technique aims to improve the surgical process by offering essential data on gap balance, ensuring consistent balance in total knee replacement surgeries.

In contrast to other technologies, the Newton Knee technique deploys a dynamic tensor to gather soft tissue data in real time throughout the entire range of motion.

This technology works in tandem with the ExactechGPS system to visualise postoperative joint balance and stability for the implementation of a personalised positional plan before any bony resections are conducted.

Exactech President and interim CEO Darin Johnson said: “Exactech is focusing its efforts and investments on unique surgical technologies that can most significantly improve clinical outcomes.

“The Newton balanced knee system provides surgeons with a robust platform of patient-specific insights that otherwise may not be available.

“Expanding access to this advanced technology into the APAC region is important for our company strategically and for the surgeons and patients who can now benefit from this innovation.”