NeuViz 128 CT scanner

Chinese medical equipment and services supplier Neusoft Medical Systems has officially launched its new NeuViz 128 CT scanner for global markets.

The scanner combines leading-edge technologies and innovations to create super-fine and low dose images, which are capable of offering more accurate diagnostic information.

With the launch, the scanner becomes China’s first 128-slice CT being exported to the international markets, including South Asia and North Africa among others, with independent intellectual property rights.

The launch demonstrates the company’s determination to explore global high-end CT markets.

"The scanner combines leading-edge technologies and innovations to create super-fine and low dose images, which are capable of offering more accurate diagnostic information."

Neusoft Medical Systems president Jiang Genmiao said: "As a medical equipment provider, Neusoft Medical Systems set software technology as our core.

"Looking forward, we will make great efforts in innovation and operational excellence and offer high-quality medical products and services to more people in the world."

The company developed China’s first CT prototype in 1994 and made it industrialised four years later, which made China the world’s fifth largest CT machine manufacturer and exporter, after the US, Japan, Germany and the Netherlands.

Neusoft’s NeuViz CT range also includes 64 In/En 64-Slice CT scanner, 64 64-Slice CT scanner, 16 16-Slice CT scanner, 16 Classic 16-Slice CT scanner, Dual Dual-Slice CT scanner, as well as Twin Dual-Slice CT scanner.

The company’s range of products has been sold to more than 100 countries and regions, serving more than 9,000 healthcare institutions worldwide.

Image: The NeuViz 128 CT scanner will now be exported to South Asia, North Africa and other international markets. Photo: courtesy of 2001-2015 Neusoft Corporation.