Switzerland-based Leman Micro Devices (LMD) has unveiled a smartphone-integrated solution Health Sensor and App, which combines a sensor and software to measure vital signs such as blood pressure with medical accuracy.

The firm has already conducted trials to evaluate the accuracy of the system and intends to submit for approval from regulators such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later this year.

Equipped with Riva-Rocci technique, the app eliminates the requirement for a cuff on the arm to measure blood pressure. It instead instructs the user on how hard to push the finger against the firm's sensor that is built into the smartphone.

LMD chief executive officer Mark-Eric Jones said:  “The world is ready for smartphones that come with a built-in medically-accurate heath monitoring system, rather than current products which are not approved and often inaccurate.

"Most wearable devices do not measure health at all, only activity, while other solutions carry a hefty price tag."

The app is factory-loaded in the smartphone, which does not require any calibration for its life or expense from the user.

" The world is ready for smartphones that come with a built-in medically-accurate heath monitoring system."

Jones added: “Our product is proven in the lab and already the FDA has ruled that it is our device, not the smartphone itself which is the regulated element, in this instance, the smartphone is regarded as an accessory."

The app additionally provides medically-accurate readings of body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiration rate.

The measurements can be performed anywhere at any time within 60 seconds by following simple instructions and without any additional accessories.

Image: LMD's medically accurate smartphone integrated Health Sensor and App. Photo: courtesy of Leman Micro Devices.