Israel-based NovellusDx has established a genomic cancer research partnership with Christiana Care Health System's Gene Editing Institute to speed-up the development of treatments for the disease.  

NovellusDx licensed gene editing technology from the institute for improved the speed and efficiency of its diagnostic screening tools for cancer. 

The technology is expected to aid in identifying genetic mechanisms involved in the onset and progression of various cancer types, as well as establish high-efficacy therapy for the disease. 

As part of the alliance, Christiana Care will receive royalties from NovellusDx over a ten-year period.

NovellusDx CEO Haim Gil-Ad said: "This work has the potential to change the way cancer treatment is carried out.

"This work has the potential to change the way cancer treatment is carried out."

“Once the genetic makeup of a patient is known, we will be able to immediately test and monitor the effect of a patient’s mutations in live cells and determine the appropriate treatment for that patient."

NovellusDx receives DNA sequence information from its clinical partners to create a personal profile of the mutations from individual patients.

Gene Editing Institute’s technology will be used to determine the impact of each mutation on a tumour’s signalling pathways activity. 

The gene editing tools will also be used to recreate mutations in a test system, followed by the screening of known cancer drugs against the mutations to validate their efficiency. These processes are believed to help NovellusDx in determining the best drug for individual patients.