Paragonix Technologies has launched the PancreasPak Organ Preservation System for donor pancreas during transportation in the US.

Said to be the world’s first such device cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), PancreasPak is built on the principles of the company’s SherpaPak Cardiac Transport System.

The SherpaPak Cardiac Transport System is currently used in one out of every three cases in the US.

Paragonix commenced pre-orders for the device, with widespread availability expected from 1 September 2024.

The PancreasPak system ensures a controlled environment for the pancreas, maintaining an optimal thermal range of 4°C-8°C for up to 21 hours.

This capability is said to be critical for preserving the organ’s viability and function during transport to the recipient.

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Paragonix’s latest offering is set to redefine the standard of care in organ transplantation by providing enhanced tracking and control.

The device’s temperature regulation follows the standards set by the SherpaPak, which has been shown to extend ischemic times safely, reduce complications after transplant, and improve two-year patient survival rates.

Paragonix CEO and president Dr Lisa Anderson said: “We are honoured to stand at the forefront of preservation and provide unparalleled support to countless patients in need of a heart, lung, liver, and now, pancreas.

“To be at the forefront and be the first company to provide pancreas preservation technology is a tremendous achievement and is consistent with our commitment to service all transplant and donor patients.”

In April 2024, Paragonix announced the complete commercial availability of its BAROguard Donor Lung Preservation System in the US.

The device, available to transplant centres and organ procurement organisations nationwide, is designed to maintain donor lungs in optimal conditions during transport to provide protection.