Prime Medicine has entered a research partnership with Cimeio Therapeutics to develop prime edited shielded-cell and immunotherapy pairs for genetic diseases by combining their technologies.

Under the collaboration, Prime Medicine’s prime editing platform will be integrated with Cimeio’s Shielded Cell and Immunotherapy Pairs (SCIP) platform.

Furthermore, the research aims to enhance the effectiveness and safety of haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplants to treat genetic diseases, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).

The research will also allow the in vivo selection of edited HSCs to possibly eliminate the need for transplantation completely.

HSC transplant has the potential to cure various debilitating and life-threatening diseases such as AML, and rare genetic diseases, including Hurler’s and Gaucher’s.

The combination of Cimeio’s SCIP platform and prime editing could enhance the accessibility, eligibility and results for patients who might benefit from an HSC transplant.

In addition, Prime will develop a prime editor for the CD117 shielding variant of Cimeio, which will be examined by both corporations after the development.

Depending upon the success of the new partnership, the companies will provide exclusive licence options to each other for using their technology.

Prime Medicine will get an exclusive option to license Cimeio’s cell shielding technology for CD117-shielded HSC transplant, along with in vivo editing of CD117-shielded HSCs for genetic diseases, excluding sickle cell disease.

Cimeio will secure an exclusive option for licensing the prime editing technology for its CD117-shielded allogeneic HSC offering for AML and MDS and, possibly, a second shielding protein for use in MDS and AML.

In case the companies exercise their exclusive licence options, they will be able to obtain economics on net sales of licensed solutions.

Prime Medicine CEO Keith Gottesdiener said: “We believe prime editing is an incredibly powerful technology that could impact the care and treatment of a wide range of diseases.

“To fully exploit the potential of our technology, we are committed to collaborating with partners who can meaningfully expand our reach, accelerating our efforts to deliver important new medicines to patients worldwide.”