Rhinostics and LVL technologies have collaborated to provide decapping solutions for automated collection device workflows.

Under the expanded collaboration, the company will resell LVL’s decapper instrument while LVL will be responsible for distributing Rhinostics’ automated collection devices in Austria and Germany.

Rhinostics stated that the combination of its sample collection device with LVL’s decapper technology will help labs automate the swab and small-volume blood collection processing workflow.

This automation process removes manual bottlenecks during capping and recapping steps.

The collaboration will allow labs to increase their throughput and consistency, as well as decrease unwanted steps, reagents and labour costs.

Rhinostics president and CEO Cheri Walker said: “Today, researchers, clinicians and patients alike expect more when it comes to sample collection and diagnostic workflows from respiratory pathogens, sexually transmitted infections, genetic testing to cancer biomarkers and much more.

“We’re excited to expand our partnership with LVL, our supplier of high-quality collection tubes to Rhinostics during the pandemic and beyond.

“The companies have enjoyed a close relationship, and we can now offer a full solution for our customers by launching a customised version of LVL’s robust decapper instrument to the market.”

The RHINObot decapper instrument enables the RHINOstic and VERIstic automated collection devices to provide a complete solution for hands-free sample-in-to-result-out workflows.

It has been optimised for use with the RHINOstic Automated Swab as part of the collaboration.

RHINOstic is a patent-pending sample collection device that integrates a polypropylene-based swab with an automatable cap.

Nasal, buccal or vaginal samples can be collected in a clinical setting or self-collected using an at-home test kit and are securely screwed into a small, barcoded transport tube.

These tubes can be transported without using viral transport or other media, reducing costs, leakage risk, accidental biohazard exposure and potential PCR interference.

Once the samples reach the laboratory, they can be loaded onto the RHINObot, which enables automated decapping and capping of up to 96 samples in less than one minute.

This hands-free workflow eliminates user variability while decreasing per-test costs by reducing labour time by more than 80%.