Genomic diagnostics company GC Genome has announced the results of a study that proved the ability of its liquid biopsy technology to predict radiation therapy (RT) response in solid tumours.

The trial showed the feasibility of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) monitoring for the prediction of treatment response and the identification of minimal residual disease after RT in solid tumour patients using the I-score tool.

The I-score tool is designed to calculate genomic instabilities.

The company noted that 23 plasma samples from patients with lung, oesophagal, and head and neck cancer were analysed in the study, which was published in Radiation Oncology Journal.

The study used plasma samples from 358 healthy people as negative controls.

The I-scores were measured at serial cfDNA monitoring points, including before RT, one week after RT, and one month after completion of RT.

GC Genome CEO Dr Chang-Seok Ki said: “The findings of this study may have significant implications for the field of oncology, particularly for patients with lung, oesophagal.

“Further additional studies are ongoing to optimise the measurement and analysis of I-scores to predict radiation response accurately. The potential of cfDNA I-score as a monitoring tool in cancer treatment deserves continued investigation and attention.”

Conducted in collaboration with the Samsung Medical Centre, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, the study complements earlier studies conducted to evaluate the prognostic effects of the I-score in several tumours such as hepatocellular carcinoma, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and oesophagal cancer.

The pretreatment I-scores were found to be higher in larger tumours. The results also indicated a prominent positive correlation between the baseline I-score and the gross tumour volume.