US-based Virtuoso Surgical has unveiled a new robotic surgery system which is designed to enhance the scope of endoscopic surgery.

The product’s unveiling signifies Virtuoso Surgical completing the design stage and advancing into the regulatory phase.

The new Virtuoso Surgical system comprises two needle-sized small manipulators controlled by robots.

These manipulators, with a diameter of 1mm, operate from the end of a rigid endoscope. The endoscope is less than half the size of a 5-pence coin.

Compared to the current robotic endoscope hardware, the scope is significantly smaller in size.

The endoscope, which features a camera, is available with various manipulators depending on the procedure, including a spatula, grasper, snare, laser aiming manipulator and electrosurgical tools.

The system has demonstrated feasibility in various studies involving animal models, cadavers and tissue models, for surgeries such as bladder cancer, uterine fibroids, enlarged prostate, removal of central airway obstruction and endoscopic neurosurgery.

Furthermore, the technology is said to offer dexterity in any procedure where the delivery of tools takes place through rigid endoscopes.

The procedures may be related to urology, gynaecology, neurosurgery, interventional pulmonology, orthopaedics, thoracic surgery as well as ear, nose and throat and other sub-specialities.

Dr S. Duke Herrell, Virtuoso Surgical CEO, co-founder and chief medical officer, said: “Virtuoso gives surgeons their hands back, equipping them to lift tissue, apply tension and maintain traction – in tight spaces within the body.

“These are groundbreaking manoeuvres in endoscopic/endoluminal surgery that are not possible with today’s instruments.”