As part of our series of white papers tracking clinical trials activity across the world, GlobalData recently compiled a summary of the clinical trials initiated in Japan. GlobalData captured records of 8,615 clinical trials across all diseases and phases that had a start date between January 01, 2012, and December 31, 2016.

Figure 1: Clinical Trials for the Top Five Indications by Phase in Japan


The largest number of clinical trials took place in type 2 diabetes, followed by non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, and colorectal cancer. Phase II was the most frequent phase across the major indications, as shown in Figure 1, ranging between 53% and 70% of trials in each indication.

Figure 2: Clinical Trials for the Top Five Indications by Sponsor Type


Non-industry sponsors were most common across all major indications, all of which presented with three times as many non-industry sponsors as industry sponsors, with the exception of colorectal cancer, which had five times as many non-industry trials as industry trials (see Figure 2).