
PI Ceramic GmbH is expanding its production and office space at its site in Lederhose, Thuringia and has celebrated its growth with a ground-breaking ceremony for the construction project on 5 July.

Managing director Dr Patrick Pertsch said: “Having warmed up with two smaller buildings over the past few months, we are now celebrating the ground-breaking ceremony for our fourth major construction phase.”

The new extension will expand the company site from its current 12,000 square metres by an additional 7,500 square metres and will offer space on three floors for multilayer production and office space. The move into the new part of the building is planned for mid-2020.

PI Ceramic, a subsidiary of Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG, located in Lederhose, Thuringia, currently employs around 330 people and is investing €10m in the expansion of the factory space.

Pertsch said: “This building is an expression of our joint success here at PI Ceramic. I am excited for us to fill it with solutions to the demands of our customers, our ideas and our sophisticated piezoceramic products.”

PI Ceramic in Brief

PI Ceramic is a world leader in the field of piezo actuators and sensors. The broad range of expertise in the complex development and manufacturing process of functional ceramic components combined with state-of-the-art production equipment ensures high quality, flexibility and adherence to supply deadlines.

Prototypes and series production of custom-engineered piezo components are available after short processing times. PI Ceramic can also manufacture medium to large-sized series in automated production lines. PI Ceramic, a subsidiary of Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG, is located in Lederhose, Germany.

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