
Guardtech Cleanrooms’ hugely successful line of CleanCube mobile labs have been assisting in saving lives during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Haverhill-based firm, who have designed, constructed and commissioned cleanrooms for 20 years, has partnered with Cignpost Diagnostics to provide clients in elite-level professional sport and a string of major television and film production companies with mobile Covid-testing units and BSL2 (Bio-safety level two) containment suites.

The CleanCube comes in three forms ­– shipping containers, Luton Box Vans and modular buildings – with internal fittings matching the specifications usually associated with most standard labs and cleanrooms.

Government figures suggest that there have been more than 400,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Britain, with more than 40,000 deaths.

And with the R rate seemingly on the rise, around 13.5 million people across the UK are expected to be placed under some form of local restriction to try to combat the spread of the virus.

The government have also become embroiled in a desperate struggle to find appropriate lab space to cope with the pandemic, with test turnaround times increasing and more and more people finding it difficult not only to book tests promptly but to find a testing station close to home.

Being able to provide support to the country at such a critical time is a source of “great pride” for Guardtech’s Commercial Director Mark Wheeler, who revealed that the company are turning around their high-performance mobile testing units in the space of just two weeks per cleanroom.

“We’re really honoured to be doing something that is potentially going to help save lives,” he said. “Our entire team have worked tirelessly to get as many of these CleanCube mobile testing units and labs out there as possible ­– as quickly as we can – while maintaining our usual high standards.

“We’re finding that companies are more conscious than ever about protecting their workforce, and so the demand for our mobile cleanrooms has risen exponentially.”

Guardtech has fresh orders coming in on a weekly basis, yet Mr Wheeler insists that his team of highly skilled Installation Engineers is ready to meet growing demand.

The company already provide a wide range of products and services, from smaller-scale quick-assembly ISOPOD cleanrooms and other modular buildings to comprehensive turnkey design-and-build construction projects.

But it is their CleanCube range that is proving to be a real difference-maker for businesses across the UK right now – with Mr Wheeler suggesting that haste is key.

“People are dying because of this horrendous virus – there’s no time to waste,” he added. “Many businesses simply don’t have the time to wait for the execution of detailed design-and-construction projects. They need mobile testing units right away. They need labs now. We can help to solve this problem – and we are helping to solve this problem.”

For more information on Guardtech’s CleanCube range, or any of their other products and services, please fill out the enquiry form attached to this page.