
Provider of cold sterilisation services in France and Spain IONISOS has announced it has completed the acquisition of Leoni Studer Hard from Leoni Group.

Located in Bautzen on the German-Polish border, Leoni Studer Hard operates state-of-the-art irradiation accelerator technology for the crosslinking of pipes and cables used in construction and automotive industries. The company was established in 2008 to serve key clients located in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

President of IONISOS said Michel Gominet said: "This acquisition is a strategic milestone for IONISOS, allowing the group to extend both its range of services and its geographical reach by entering the greater German market.

"We see this acquisition also as a springboard for future growth opportunities, given its excellent location in Europe".

Non-executive Chairman of the IONISOS board Laurent Gareau added: "We are delighted to complete this acquisition. It is an important step in the creation of a panEuropean organisation".

Chief Investment Officer at Ardian Expansion Francois JERPHAGNON said: "Having only recently acquired IONISOS, we are delighted to support this strategic acquisition. We are convinced that IONISOS is a strong platform for a buy-and-build story at a European level."