The latest issue of Medical Technology Focus is out now. Read it for free on all devices.

Covid-19 has put oximeters and their inefficiencies in accurately assessing blood oxygen levels in people of colour back in the hot seat. Studies show that these inefficiencies could have contributed to deaths in this group who were already suffering disproportionately from the effects of the pandemic.

In this issue, we speak to Dr Meir Kryger, Yale sleep expert and long-time whistleblower about the gaps in efficiencies of oximeters that once did not exist and his difficulty in finding a way to monitor patients during the pandemic.

Staying on the topic of equity, women have historically been underrepresented in clinical research and this is partly due to socioeconomic factors, such as the disproportionate burden of childcare, that can exacerbate recruitment challenges. But, decentralisation is helping to break down some of those barriers by making participation more convenient. We take a look at some of the key elements of decentralised clinical trials (DCTs) that are helping facilitate this.

Also in this issue, we ask if continuous flow manufacturing can live up to its hype and whether AI in clinical trial adherence and retention is a potential Pandora’s box.

Read the latest issue of Medical Technology for all this plus the latest medical device industry news, comment, data and analysis from GlobalData.

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