Tergo™ Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid is a non-flammable, non-chlorinated solvent for use in vapour degreasers. It cleans oil, grease buffing compounds, wax and other ionic contamination from medical devices and parts. It is engineered to target both organic and inorganic soils, so it effectively cleans parts that may have multiple cleaning challenges.
Tergo Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid has excellent materials compatibility and cleans most plastics, optics, ceramics, acrylics, and metals without damage.
Tergo Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid is a non-halogenated, non-chlorinated blend with a high flash point, very high boiling point and low vapour pressure. It acts as a solvating agent in a co-solvent process that employs two different solvents; one commonly referred to as a solvating agent and the other a rinsing agent.
Tergo Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid eliminates the dependence on chlorinated solvents, which are traditionally used to enhance the cleaning properties of milder fluorinated solvents. It is for use in most modern vapour degreasers and provides optimum cleaning effectiveness and economy for both batch and in-line cleaning processes.
Tergo Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid has an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero and is exempt from classification as a volatile organic compound (VOC) by the EPA. It is an effective alternative to hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs), n-Propyl Bromide (nPB), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) in mission-critical, drying, carrier fluid and similar high-value speciality use where reliability is essential.
All of the ingredients of Tergo Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid are USA TSCA listed and not classified as Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) and thus not subject to NESHAP regulation.
To learn more about Tergo Chlorine-Free Cleaning Fluid or for advice on how to transition to this safer solvent, visit microcare.com.